My wakeup heart rate was 56, and I felt pretty good. I left home planning to run my medium run, but as I ran, I decided to do the long run.
I ran/walked for 2 hours 20 minutes on the Jordan River Parkway, using the same route that I used last Saturday. The air temperature was in the high 90s (F), but the direct-sun temperature was probably about 110. Unfortunately, almost all of my route was in the direct sun. I drank about 9 cups of water. In fact, on the way back I drank so much water that I felt bloated. I sweat a lot and need to drink a lot to replace the sweat. I felt fine for most of the time, but the heat really got to me in the middle of the run; I didn't know if I would make the half-mile to the recreational area in Draper City. Obviously, I did make it since I'm at home writing this post and am not in a hospital suffering from heat exhaustion. I took a long (several minutes) rest in the shade at a picnic table after I refilled my water bottles. I felt fine after that. In fact on the way back, it felt like there was a slight head-wind, but I didn't see any tall grass moving in nearby fields. The cooling from the head-wind or what ever it was felt great and helped with the heat.
I didn't see many walkers, and I saw no other runners. I did see a lot of cyclists, though. As I was stretching at the end of my run in the shade of a picnic place, not far from my car at the East Pavilion, I saw a young girl who was about 3 or 4 years old riding her tricycle and carrying her younger brother. I didn't see a parent nearby, and I was worried about her safety. However, her father came out of the East Pavilion and escorted her back to a party that was going on at the pavilion. Had the father not appeared, I would have walked to the girl to ask where her parent was. I'm glad the father came before I approached the girl -- he might have thought I was stranger-danger.
The water level in the river is significantly lower than it was a week ago. I guess that most of the snow in the high mountains has melted. In about another month, the water level will be down to its normal Fall level. When that happens, the tunnels under 10600 South and 12300 South won't be flooded, and I'll be able to start all my runs at the parking lot at 10000 South. I'm currently doing my rest run from that parking lot, but I'm doing my two other runs from the East Pavilion at about 10800 South in South Jordan City. During the Fall, Winter, and Spring I will, though, start some of my longer runs from the East Pavilion or the Draper recreational area to allow me to run further south than I usually do, thus bringing some variety into my routes.
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