Thursday, July 30, 2009

Added 0.1mile to my 1.5 mile run/walk

My wakeup heart rate was 56 this morning. I felt pretty good and was on the path by 9:15. I ran and walked the 1.5 miles like I've been doing, and I added a bit at the end. Being out early was nice -- lower temperature and more shade. Also, I carried two bottles (1 cup each) of water and drank about half of it during my run. After I finished, I drank most of what was left.


  1. Congratulations on being named today's blog of note! After looking through your blog, I must say that I have the utmost respect for you. Here I am, an 18 year old, struggling with my own runs and Blogger. For you--at 73--to be willing to get back into running and the ever-changing world of technology and blogging is commendable. Kudos! I aspire to be like you. ;-)

  2. Oh wow! I think it is awesome you are running again! Found you through blogs of note! I was the lucky blogger in lights yesterday! Now here you come and steal my thunder...haha I can think of no one better though - you are an inspiration!

    Hold on tight - it's going to be a wild ride from here on out!

  3. Wow! I'm impressed that you are out there exercising!

    Congrats on being a blog of note

  4. Adding my congratulations on being Blog of Note. Your commitment to running, as well as your commitment to sharing your experiences over several years, are inspiring.

  5. sounds like alot of ppl r getting active and its good 2 c that u r keep on going and congratz on being todays blog of note

  6. Congratulations on being today's blog of note! I decided to visit your page and are great! Thats very inspiring. I would like to do a feature on you on my blog if you dont mind. Check it out and read the purpose of it and let me know. Much respect!

  7. Thanks to all of you who have left nice comments! I usually have 30-50 people visit this blog each day, but today, thanks to the Blog of Note, I've had 900 people, and there are still 7 hours left in the day.

    I do enjoy running, and I enjoy sharing my experiences with others. I have another running blog, Running Injury Free that goes into a lot of detail about running without injury. I have 400-500 people visit that blog each day, and those of you who are into walking or running are invited to stop by that blog.

  8. Tia, I would be honored to be mentioned in your blog!

  9. I don't even know where to begin... the fact you are running in your 70's or the fact that you took the time to blog about it. Very inspirational...

  10. ..what is more inspirational to me is that you still blog after those running sessions. at 30 I do blog but never think about running again in my life, :) ... lazy me..

  11. Wow you made blog of note! I hope someday my web show's blog will too!

  12. Much respect to you sir! I hope when I'm to that age that I will also be able to run the distances you are. Simply incredible, but hey with perserverance comes rewards.

  13. Congratulations on being blog of note!
