Saturday, April 30, 2022

Last Week of April

Goal for days walked per week: 6
Goal for the week, starting with Monday: Heavy, Light, Heavy, Light, Heavy, Light, None

Days actually walked this week: 6
Actual mileage this week: Mileage is collected only for the final week of the month to allow a comparison of this month with other months: 2.4 miles.

Comment: During cold temperatures, and during my recovery from the 24-hour flu, I walked inside my home. The days are getting warmer, but the nights are still cold. If I walk indoors, I'm doing 10 loops for heavy walks and 5 loops for light walks.

Earlier, we had about 3-4 inches of snow, so I walked loops within my house the next morning. The weather for the last few days has been a mixture of light rain, light snow, and light sunshine.

Judy found my long pants that I use for running, and I wore the long pants to keep my legs warm during my walk. I've gained weight so the pants are pretty tight on me. The pants are a medium and I need a large size or even an extra large size. This week has been a windy-week, and I am glad I had my wind-breakers on as a jacket and long pants.

Back in Massachusetts, when I was younger, I wore the long pants when I ran at below freezing temperatures with a wind blowing. My record for cold-weather running is -18 (F) (with long pants but no wind). Because of my older age and my now living in a warmer climate, I don't expect to break that record.

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