Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Ran/Walked for 60 minutes again

I ran/walked the same route I used on Monday and got to the north end of the golf course, although I was east of the course. Instead of turning back, as I did on Monday, I continued following the cement path around the golf course. The path went south until I came to an intersection. The right-path goes, I think, to the driving range that is visible from 90th South. I took the left-path to take me back to the path that goes just west of the Sandy City Pro Shop, using a narrow bridge that is just north of the Pro Shop. I then followed the Parkway path back to my car at 100th South. On my Saturday run I will take the narrow bridge and the path that goes to the driving range to see if there is a connection to the Parkway path going north towards Salt Lake City.

This evening I checked Google maps to see if it showed the Parkway path going past 90th South. The Google map is several years old and doesn't show recent changes. Based on the map, I would have to follow the dashed yellow line, as I did last week, to Riverside Drive which becomes 700 West. I would follow 7000 West north to about 8300 South where the maps show a connection with the Parkway. That is a detour of almost a mile, and I'm hoping a more recent connection to the Parkway occurs in the vicinity of 90th South.

I also checked the Trails map provided online by West Jordan City. That map, that is likely more recent than Google maps, shows two paths that are close to the river when they go under 90th South and continue northward. One path is an urban path, and the other path is a equestrian path. Another possibility shown by the trails map is the maintenance road that follows a canal. At about 7800 South, it is just a short distance from the maintenance road to the Jordan River Parkway.

The temperature was 89 (F) when I left home and in the 70s when I returned. I started running about 8:30 PM to avoid the daytime heat. By the time I finished, the sun was down but it was still dusk. A wind came up during my last half-mile, but the wind died down about an hour after I got home. It was a head wind, which made running more difficult, but the wind helped cool me off.

We had a touch of rain this morning, and the clouds kept the temperature in the mid 70s (F). However, after the storm was over and the clouds thinned out, the temperature went up to 95 at my house (probably 100 or more at the Salt Lake Airport).

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