Monday, July 23, 2012

Ran for 60 minutes and did 3 miles

I started running about 8 pm. I went north from the parking lot at 100th South to see how far I would get in 30 minutes. I followed the yellow dashed line through the Sandy City golf course to Riverside Drive. I turned left, as I did two weeks ago, but I stayed on Riverside instead of taking a side road. When I turned around 30 minutes later, Riverside had become 7th West, and I could see the light at 90th South. On my way back, I talked with a guy and a woman who have ridden their bicycles in this area, and they said the connection back to the Jordan River Parkway isn't far from 90th South. They said to look for a break in the wire fence and a paved path going west. I didn't ask if "not far"  could be 7/8 mile, which is about where Google maps showed a connection. Thus, I'm not sure if the connection described by the two people this evening is the same as the connection shown on Google maps.

I forgot to mention last week that I saw a Crane on a sand bank in the Jordan River. The bird was about 3/4 mile south of the tunnel under 100th South while the one I've seen in the past was about 1/4 mile north of the tunnel. In either case, it was nice to see the bird.

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