Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Continued my rest runs in prep for the 5K

I ran another 2-mile rest run, using the same course I used on Monday. I ran it faster and longer than I probably should have. I forgot my GPS and just ran for relatively long segments and walked for relatively short segments. I averaged about 17 minutes/mile. If I'm to get a new PB on Saturday, I'll have to average 15 minutes. This means that I'll have to increase my time in running and keep my time in walking relatively short. I'll be sure and have my GPS with me so I can monitor my pace. One mistake is to go out too fast during the first mile, and I hope my GPS will help me keep to a lower speed during that mile.

Today was another beautiful day with shade temps in the mid 80s. I started running about 4 pm, and there was quite a lot of shade due to the time of the day that I was out.

The path under the 10600 South bridge is still flooded, and the pump isn't removing much water from the path.

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