Monday, May 28, 2007

A recovery run today

On Friday I spent about 8 hours moving boxes from a storage unit to my son's new house. On Saturday I spent about 6 hours moving boxes. As a result I was tired on Sunday and still tired today. My wakeup HR this morning was 57, a 20% increase above my normal. After I got up, I had to make a decision if I would go running or take a rest day. I decided to go running, and I ran 3 miles on the Jordan River Parkway. I took it easy and didn't push myself. My pace varied from 11:15 to about 12:15. I realized that if I pushed myself this morning, when I knew I was tired, I wouldn't have a good run tomorrow.

The shade temperature was 70 (F) when I returned and was in the high 60s (F) when I left. I felt the heat, and I'm going to have to start carrying water/Gatorade. I've been sleeping well this past week, but my ordeal of the boxes means I'll have to go through a recovery period.


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  2. Done. Thanks for stopping by.
