Saturday, July 16, 2005

Getting stronger -- yea!

Starting with yesterday I'm feeling stronger, so I ran 4 miles today. It was hot (89F when I left and 91F when I returned) and the sun felt like an oven. I took it easy and did a lot of walking on the way back. I saw quite a few ducklings in the canal. They are still smaller than their mothers, but they are getting pretty big.

My wakeup HR was 57 yesterday and 59 today. Still high but not in the 60s as it has been the past couple of weeks. I've been on an antibiotic for the past week (had to swallow a pill four times a day for a week, and I think that tired me out a lot. Last Monday my surgery involved a skin graft (an extra hole in my body to provide the skin), and the antibiotic was for that and the pig-skin graft that I had the week before. I finished the antibiotic on Thursday and started feeling stronger on Friday. I've had 8 surgeries for skin cancer and have two more that are scheduled for the first two weeks in August. I'm getting there!

Training Graphs

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