Saturday, September 25, 2021

Last week of September


Comments: I used most of the month to work towards my normal distance of 10 miles/week. I still alternate heavy and light walks, but the distance of each walk has slowly increased as I gained my strength back. I felt very weak after drinking a lot of of radioactive water prior to having scans made of my skeleton and body. In addition, part of the month was spent gaining strength from the mho surgery for skin cancers on my face and forehead. I haven't gone walking or running while I've recovered from the surgery, although I did walk today and in the future. I've taken 2 or 3 tablets of Tylenol daily, for two or three days, to reduce the pain of the surgery. The bottle of Tylenol states I shouldn't take more than 8 tablets per day to avoid damage to my liver.

I go walking or running only if I can see the mountains east of SLC or I can see their outlines. This translates to Good or Moderate air. If I can't see the mountains or their outlines, I don't walk or run, because in that case the smoke is pretty thick, and the air is bad. The smoke comes from big fires in California.

The past few days haven't been bad. The mountains were in sight, and some of the details were visible. There was some smoke in the mountains, but not an awfully lot. Today had an increase in smoke, but the mountains were still visible. I guess the fires in California are still raging.

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