Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Walked about 0.4 miles

I've been resting since my surgery to have a pacemaker put into my body. I felt pretty good this evening, so I walked about 0.4 miles around my neighborhood. I was tired when I finished, though. I went in the evening after the sun was down.


  1. I wondered why you hadn't posted for a while. I'm glad to hear that you are doing well after your pacemaker surgery. Welcome to the Pacemaker club. I had my 1st. one place in 2004(age 61) and the 2nd one last April. Then, in July at my regular 6 month check, they found that one of the leads wasn't working so they added a new lead and told me no jogging for 6 weeks(that was hard to take, so I walked briskly instead including a 5k I had previously registered for). I'm back at it now and have an 8k this weekend and a 10k next weekend. I feel fine.
    By the way, I had never had any symptoms prior to the 1st or 2nd units or even when the lead wasn't working!!! I was still playing hockey a couple of times a week prior to the 1st placement and continued to play up until a couple of years ago. I have always had a low heart rate without symptoms.
    In a previous comment to you last year, I think that I mentioned that I only took up jogging last June and I have read your "Running Injury Free" multiple times and follow the valuable advice that you give. You have been an inspiration to me so thank you and I wish you a speedy recovery and back to jogging soon
    Another old man running
    Jim Hanrahan

  2. Hi Jim,

    I think I'm doing fine. For three days I couldn't move my left arm, and for three weeks I was limited in use of my left arm such that I couldn't raise it above my shoulder. The risk was that if I lifted my arm above my shoulder before the leads were locked in place by scar tissue, I might pull the leads out of my heart. I'm past all of that now and am walking for another two or three weeks to give my body time to heal and adjust to the stress of the surgery. I'll soon be back to running.

    Many years ago I had surgery for a hernia and couldn't run for several weeks. I walked during that time. Later, on the first day that I ran, I had sore knees. I rested over the weekend and was fine on Monday. I found out that running creates a lot more stress than walking....
