Thursday, December 17, 2015

Another hour of running/walking

My wife and I went to the South Jordan rec center, and I ran and walked for an hour, using the same ratio of running and walking that I've used on the Jordan River Parkway (40 seconds running and 60 seconds walking). Using time instead of distance is easier than actual distance since I just have to look at my watch when I began and exercise for an hour. The last time I used the rec center, I had to count laps, and I frequently forgot how many laps I had done. The outside temperature was in the low 30s, but it felt cold. The rec center was cool but felt fine after my body warmed up.

I would have liked to go to the Jordan River Parkway, but it was quite cold outside and I wasn't sure the Parkway path would free from ice. When I was younger, I would have gone to the Parkway, but I'm older now and less interested in "braving the elements", and I have my wife's feelings about this matter to consider. She is younger than I, but not by many years. It was nice to run in a cool but comfortable place!

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