Saturday, December 19, 2020

Weekly summary -- 2.800 miles this week

I'm still taking the chemo medicine but I felt pretty good so I went walking with Judy. We did 2.8 miles over 5 days of walking. Next week I'll add more distance.  Christmas is next week and I'll probably go out 4 days.


  1. I really enjoy getting out for a walk. I used to run, but now I walk. Walking is like running, but it is slower.

    I haven't been to the Jordan River Parkway for a couple of years. As soon as I get my weekly distance up to 5 miles per week, I'll go back to the JR Parkway.

  2. I really enjoy the Jordan River Parkway. It is easy to get 1/2 mile from the parking lot, but there is only one way to get back. I can walk back instead of run back, but I still have to go back. I can't stop and head for home like I can when I run or walk in my neighborhood.
