Wednesday, December 30, 2020

It was below freezing while I walked


Judy was busy with a puzzle of Bear Lake, so I went walking by myself. On the way back, I felt stronger than I had felt yesterday, indicating I am getting used to the distance. The temperature was below freezing during my walk, and the high for the day was in the low 30s (F).  The wind was still blowing about 15 MPH.

After the walk, I changed my clothes, and Judy drove me to my appointment with Dr. Erik Allen, my personal doctor. Dr. Allen said my blood tests show I have good kidney,  liver, and blood functions, and he said I should continue doing what I have been doing;  I will see Dr. Allen by appointment in six months. He is a marathon runner, and he said as soon as I get up to 5 miles per day, I should let him know so he can join us. He said it is good that we are moving our bodies regularly. We should enjoy what ever we do to keep our bodies moving. 

Judy drove me home and we watched the Disney version of Aladdin. Judy is now watching the Disney version of the Lion King, and I will join her in a few minutes. These Disney versions have a lot of music them. We watched most of a movie about high school students. I hope the high schools in real life are not like the ones in the movie. The high school kids are not like the ones I knew as a child.

We received a nice Christmas box from Seth and Kristen in Arizona. The box was full of candy and cookies, and the contents made nice snacks while we were watching TV.


Tuesday, December 29, 2020

It was colder this morning

 I went walking about 10 am and the temperature was 24 (F) degrees when I left my house. I walked 0.3 mile and then returned to my home. The temperature was 27 degrees when I returned home. There was a south wind of about 15 mph, so there was a wind-chill of some amount. It was hard to walk against the wind, but it was nice at times to have a tail-wind to help push me forward. My hands were cold even though I wore cotton gloves, but the rest of my body seemed OK. The sidewalks were clear of packed snow, and it was faster to walk on dry cement.

Monday, December 28, 2020

Winter is here

 After the man came and wrapped my swollen legs again, Judy and I went walking. The temperature was about 30 (F),  and there were snow flurries while we walked. There was no wind blowing, so there was no chill factor to make it seem colder. It seemed warm to be outside, even though it was slightly below freezing. Because we were moving, our bodies created heat, and we felt warm and nice. 😊 We did about 0.6 mile and were glad to get in our warm house at the end of our walk. 

Saturday, December 26, 2020

Weekly summary -- 4.000 mile this week

I went walking for 5 days this week and did 4.000 miles. Judy went with me for most of the walks. The temperature during our walks was in the low to mid 30s (F).

Saturday, December 19, 2020

Weekly summary -- 2.800 miles this week

I'm still taking the chemo medicine but I felt pretty good so I went walking with Judy. We did 2.8 miles over 5 days of walking. Next week I'll add more distance.  Christmas is next week and I'll probably go out 4 days.