Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Ran 60 minutes (3 miles) in snow and ice

I had a nice run today. The temperature last night was about 4 (F) and was in the low 20s during my run. I parked at the South Jordan East Pavilion and went south for 1.5 miles and then returned. The sun was shining and ice on the trail was beginning to melt. The city of South Jordan plowed the snow from the path, leaving patches of ice on the path, but the city of Sandy did not plow their portion of the path. Other runners and walkers had created a "path" through the snow, and I actually felt safer in Sandy than in South Jordan, because snow isn't slick; snow turns to ice only when vehicles have driven on the road or lots of people have walked and run on the path. The path in Sandy was still mostly snow, and I ran without worrying about patches of ice. Of course, I ran flat-footed to maximize the contact of my feet with the path.

A couple of runners passed me. They looked to be in their 30s, and they were going pretty fast. I hope they didn't fall down while on the South Jordan portion of the path. Probably not. It's mostly us older folks who fall down on ice....

When I ran 2 miles last Thursday and today, I ran the 2 miles with no walking. Today, after I had gone about 2 miles, I started getting tired and walked a bit, less than a minute of walking each time I walked. It's been a long time since I ran 2 miles without walking, and I felt good about that accomplishment. Doing that is a sign my body is getting stronger.

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