It was about 10:30 am when I started running. I didn't look at my thermometer before I left, but it felt hot during my workout. There were a few places where there was some shade, but most of the path was in direct sun. I went north from 100th South to the golf course and then back to the parking lot at 100th South. Then I finished my workout with a south-bound run/walk 3/8 mile and back. During my workout today I took two breaks for a few minutes each. The first break was at 2 miles, and the second break was probably at 2.8 miles or so. It really felt nice to sit on a bench for a few minutes and rest. I weighed myself before and after the workout, and I was the same weight both times. Apparently, I drank just enough water to replace the water I lost through sweating. Each cup of water weighs about 0.5 pound.
In the past I was able to get 1 mile per 8 ounces (1 cup) of water during my workout. I would take a sip each time I walked. This year, however, I'm running for shorter segments, and my walking segments come up more often. If I took a sip each walking segment, I would get less than 1 mile per cup of water. So, to reach my mile per cup, I skipped a couple of sips and took smaller sips. I did get 1 mile per cup of water.
When I got home, I took a half-hour nap and then cooked oatmeal for breakfast. Now, I'm ready to go out in the yard and work on my sprinkler system some more.
Later: I didn't get a lot of work done on the sprinklers. I adjusted six of them and was soaked when I finished. I went into the house and changed into dry clothes and stayed inside. In the past, up into my early 60s, I could run and do yard work in the same day. I can't do that anymore. I don't know if it's because I'm not used to the distance, or perhaps because I'm getting old. Now, on days that I run, I'm pretty tired for the rest of the day.
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