Saturday, December 29, 2018

Another weekly recap for 3.02 miles

I walked and jogged four times during the week. The temperature was in the high 20s (F) and the very low 30s.

Today I went for 1.02 miles, and the temperature was in the high 20s. I walked most of the distance but jogged for about 1/3 mile in the middle of the distance.

The total distance was slightly more than an increase of 10%.

Friday, December 28, 2018

Change of address for this blog

I'm ready to delete the domain. So, in the future use the Google address for this blog.

Saturday, December 22, 2018

Another week recap for 2.72 miles

Judy and I walked around the block, and I continued by walking to the corner and back, for 1.02 miles. I walked four days this week, for a total of 2.72 miles. The temperature was in the mid 30s (F) to mid 40s.

Saturday, December 15, 2018

Week recap for 2.6 miles

I walked four times this week, for a weekly total of about 2.6 miles. Except for today, when the temperature was in the low 40s (F), the temperature during these walks was in the low 30s.

Saturday, December 08, 2018 domain to go away

In a few days, I will delete the oldmanrunning domain. When that happens, please use the Google name for the blog.

This is important, so I will repeat it.

In a few days, I will delete the oldmanrunning domain. When that happens, please use the Google name for the blog.

Did a long walk of 0.9 miles, including adding a bit to the walk

The temperature was in the low to mid 30s (F), and the sidewalks were clear of snow and ice.

Friday, December 07, 2018


The domain,, should no longer be used. Use the Google name for the blog. This name is

Thursday, December 06, 2018

Decided to do weekly updates to this blog, instead of daily updates

From now on I will just be doing weekly updates. I decided on this because my walks are mundane with nothing special happening.

My weekly schedule is as follows:

Monday -- Rest walk of 0.40 miles
Tuesday -- Rest walk of 0.40 miles
Wednesday -- Medium walk of 0.62 miles
Thursday -- Rest walk of 0.40 miles
Saturday -- Long walk of 0.85 miles

As I get stronger and used to the distance, I will add a bit to the medium and long walks. Eventually, I will start jogging during part of my walks, using 80 seconds walking or jogging, and 60 seconds of walking. This combination will be used for the whole distance for that day.

Did a 0.40 rest walk

Judy and I went out this morning and walked to the corner and back for 0.40 miles. The temperature was about 35 (F). Snow is on the lawns, but the sidewalk is clear of snow and ice.

Wednesday, December 05, 2018

Tuesday, December 04, 2018